Delta Holding owner to turn to European Court

The defense of Miroslav Mišković will submit an application to the European Court of Human Rights due to the "excessive load" on their client.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 06.05.2014.


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Delta Holding owner to turn to European Court

Mišković's defense lawyer Zdenko Tomanović told reporters during a break in the trial that the complaint was in preparation and will be submitted next week.

He recalled that Mišković was held in detention for seven months and had to post EUR 12 million in bail to be released, that EUR 40 million of his property remains blocked, while the authorities will not allow him to travel abroad.

Tomanović said described the last measure as "excessive, even for the practice of domestic courts, because it is unusual even when it concerns those accused of much more serious offenses."

The lawyer said he expected the European Court to consider the appeal and resolve it positively, due to its own practice, and the practice of other courts in Europe.

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