Utorak, 26.11.2013.


SZO povukla tvrdnje o Grcima i HIV

SZO je uputila izvinjenje zbog "greške u izveštaju" u kome navodi da su neki Grci zbog krize namerno sebi ubrizgavali HIV, kako bi imali socijalnu pomoć.

Izvor: SRNA

SZO povukla tvrdnje o Grcima i HIV IMAGE SOURCE

8 Komentari

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pre 11 godina

"samozarazeni", ma da, kako da ne....otkrili grci da, za odredjenu sumu evra, mogu da dobiju uverenje da boluju od HIV-a, i da dobijaju pomoc....


pre 11 godina

Kako vas nije sramota da objavljujete ovakve gluposti? Imate li vi filtere bilo kakve vrste ili objavljujete vesti da sajt ne bude prazan?

SZO ima objasnjenje.

"The WHO has issued a clarification:

In September 2013, the WHO Regional Office for Europe published a report “Review of social determinants and the health divide in the WHO European Region” which was prepared by the Institute of Equity, University College London, United Kingdom. In this report, an erroneous reference is made to: “HIV rates and heroin use have risen significantly, with about half of new HIV infections being self-inflicted to enable people to receive benefits of €700 per month and faster admission on to drug substitution programmes.”

The sentence should read: "half of the new HIV cases are self-injecting and out of them few are deliberately inflicting the virus". The statement is the consequence of an error in the editing of the document, for which WHO apologizes."


pre 11 godina

Ovo je greska u izvestaju, u originalnom clanku iz Lanceta pominje se samo da mozda "postoje sucajevi". Bez panike, nisu Grci bas toliko poludeli.


pre 11 godina

Neko pametan jednom reče: "Samo dve stvari su beskonačne, svemir i ljudska glupost."
Mislim da treba dodati i treću, LENJOST (mada je povezano sa glupošću).


pre 11 godina

Neko pametan jednom reče: "Samo dve stvari su beskonačne, svemir i ljudska glupost."
Mislim da treba dodati i treću, LENJOST (mada je povezano sa glupošću).


pre 11 godina

Ovo je greska u izvestaju, u originalnom clanku iz Lanceta pominje se samo da mozda "postoje sucajevi". Bez panike, nisu Grci bas toliko poludeli.


pre 11 godina

"samozarazeni", ma da, kako da ne....otkrili grci da, za odredjenu sumu evra, mogu da dobiju uverenje da boluju od HIV-a, i da dobijaju pomoc....


pre 11 godina

Kako vas nije sramota da objavljujete ovakve gluposti? Imate li vi filtere bilo kakve vrste ili objavljujete vesti da sajt ne bude prazan?

SZO ima objasnjenje.

"The WHO has issued a clarification:

In September 2013, the WHO Regional Office for Europe published a report “Review of social determinants and the health divide in the WHO European Region” which was prepared by the Institute of Equity, University College London, United Kingdom. In this report, an erroneous reference is made to: “HIV rates and heroin use have risen significantly, with about half of new HIV infections being self-inflicted to enable people to receive benefits of €700 per month and faster admission on to drug substitution programmes.”

The sentence should read: "half of the new HIV cases are self-injecting and out of them few are deliberately inflicting the virus". The statement is the consequence of an error in the editing of the document, for which WHO apologizes."


pre 11 godina

Neko pametan jednom reče: "Samo dve stvari su beskonačne, svemir i ljudska glupost."
Mislim da treba dodati i treću, LENJOST (mada je povezano sa glupošću).


pre 11 godina

Ovo je greska u izvestaju, u originalnom clanku iz Lanceta pominje se samo da mozda "postoje sucajevi". Bez panike, nisu Grci bas toliko poludeli.


pre 11 godina

Kako vas nije sramota da objavljujete ovakve gluposti? Imate li vi filtere bilo kakve vrste ili objavljujete vesti da sajt ne bude prazan?

SZO ima objasnjenje.

"The WHO has issued a clarification:

In September 2013, the WHO Regional Office for Europe published a report “Review of social determinants and the health divide in the WHO European Region” which was prepared by the Institute of Equity, University College London, United Kingdom. In this report, an erroneous reference is made to: “HIV rates and heroin use have risen significantly, with about half of new HIV infections being self-inflicted to enable people to receive benefits of €700 per month and faster admission on to drug substitution programmes.”

The sentence should read: "half of the new HIV cases are self-injecting and out of them few are deliberately inflicting the virus". The statement is the consequence of an error in the editing of the document, for which WHO apologizes."


pre 11 godina

"samozarazeni", ma da, kako da ne....otkrili grci da, za odredjenu sumu evra, mogu da dobiju uverenje da boluju od HIV-a, i da dobijaju pomoc....