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The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office announced: An investigation has been launched; The suspects named

On the occasion of the tragic event that took place on November 1, 2024, in Novi Sad, when the canopy of the Novi Sad Railway Station building collapsed, the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Novi Sad issued a statement.


The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office announced: An investigation has been launched; The suspects named


Here is their statement in full:

The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Novi Sad informs the public that on November 22, 2024, it issued an Order on conducting an investigation due to the existence of grounds for suspicion, the following are suspected: J.T., G.V., A.D. and N.Š. of committing the criminal offense Serious crime against general security from Article 288 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code in connection with the criminal offense Causing general danger from Article 278 paragraph 3 in connection with paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, and the suspects S.N., M.J., LJ.M.M., M.S., D.J., M.G., Z.S.M., J.S.M. and D.T. of committing the criminal offense Serious crime against general safety from Article 288 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code in connection with the criminal offense Irregular and improper execution of construction works from Article 281 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

After the twelve suspects were detained and heard within the legal time limit, the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Novi Sad submitted a proposal for the detention of all thirteen suspects due to the existence of circumstances that, by being at liberty, they could interfere with the proceedings by influencing witnesses and accomplices, so that they could repeat the criminal crime, as well as because of public anxiety, and according to the suspect J.S.M., in addition to the above grounds, also because she is unavailable to the prosecuting authorities, and in relation to her, issuing a warrant for her extradition was proposed.

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