Politics 11



Vučić's powerful message from New York: "We won't be silent! We will fight for the truth, no one will stop us"

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, addressed the panel discussion "We speak because they cannot - voices that need to be heard", where the victims of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina presented their testimonies.

Izvor: B92

Vučić's powerful message from New York: "We won't be silent! We will fight for the truth, no one will stop us"


"Thank you all for coming here to testify. This is just a group of people living in the USA. We did not bring hundreds and thousands of people of Serbian origin from Bosnia and Serbia. We just wanted to show all the member states and representatives of their delegations that the truth is not one-sided and that it never was," stated Vučić and added:

"We have never been silent about the terrible events in Srebrenica. We arrested and extradited everyone who was individually responsible for the terrible crimes that happened in Srebrenica. But, my question is: You heard these people, every one of them referred to that resolution. These are not politicians like us, they are all going to feel very bad if you pass this resolution. Because they are all victims and suddenly they will have a mark on their foreheads, by becoming part of the genocidal people you say "that's not true, we adopted the amendments", then my question is: Why are you bringing that resolution? If it's about individual responsibility, who will be responsible for those horrors? There are no individuals in the draft resolution. Why did we all pass that general resolution in 2015? So that we could have even more of those special resolutions coming up in the future?"

"Why don't we start with something that was done to the Serbs in the First World War? The Serbs suffered the most then, we lost more than 28 percent of the population then, the French just below us. In the Second World War, the Serbs made up 85 percent of all victims in the territory of the former Yugoslavia We fought against the Nazi side from the beginning of the war, and now, when it comes to Srebrenica, we never hid the fact that Serbs committed atrocities there. I went to bow down in 2015 to the victims and I was almost lynched. Has it ever happened anywhere else in Europe that a prime minister was attacked by many people who were not held responsible for it? Just a few days later, I invited all the Bosnian leaders in order to restore peace. And what will be the result if you submit that resolution - celebration on one side, and on the other - sadness, anger and resentment?" Vučić wondered about the real purpose of the resolution.

President of Serbia stated that in 2015 he went to bow to the victims and lay a wreath, and he was almost lynched.

"They never found those people. Has it ever happened anywhere else in Europe that the prime minister was so vigorously attacked by many people whom no one held responsible for it. And what will to be the result if you submit that resolution? Will this resolution unite people in Bosnia and the region? Not at all. Why are you doing this? Will it ensure peace in the years to come? You all know the answer is negative," said Vučić.

"I invite you all not to vote for this resolution and to create the conditions for inclusiveness, for dialogue and only one so-called bureaucratic news. Our permanent representative here wanted to talk to the Germans as the main creators of this resolution, to see if we can do something together: And do you know what answer he got, I quote: 'You will face the resolution, the way we will allow you to'. I know, we are too small, but European values will always mean that we should all be involved in the process when such important decisions are concerned," said Vučić.

President of Serbia stated that he is proud of the fact that we have always been a nation of freedom and that we have always paid the highest price for the freedom of our people.

"Once again, I ask you to consider your decisions, because it will have an impact not only on the region I come from, but on the whole world," said Vučić and once again thanked the victims of the war in Bosnia, who came to witness the horrors they've experienced.

"The least I can say is that we will not be silent, we will fight for the truth and no one will stop us," Vučić concluded.


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