“Lajčak may quit Bosnia”

Bosnian daily Dnevni Avaz writes that Miroslav Lajčak may quit his position in Sarajevo to assume the post of Slovakian foreign minister.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 06.01.2009.


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Bosnian daily Dnevni Avaz writes that Miroslav Lajcak may quit his position in Sarajevo to assume the post of Slovakian foreign minister. The Sarajevo daily quoted Bratislava-based daily Hospodarske Noviny, stating that the Bosnia-Herzegovina International High Representative could be appointed as foreign minister by Prime Minister Robert Fico, with current Foreign Minister Jan Kubis assuming the duties of Slovakia’s UN ambassador in Geneva. “Lajcak may quit Bosnia” The Office of the High Representative (OHR) in Sarajevo did not want to comment on the media speculation. According to Dnevni Avaz, the news has been confirmed by sources in Slovakia, which state that Lajcak is one of the three most serious candidates for the position of foreign minister. The daily states that there has been talk “for some time within the EU that Lajcak is not up to the task in Bosnia” and that he should be replaced by “a stronger political personality,” a view publicly expressed by Austrian MEP Hannes Swoboda, who according to Dnevni Avaz, is one of the people “interested in Lajcak’s position.” Besides Swoboda, other candidates, according to the Bosnian daily, are former Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern and former European Foreign Affairs Commissioner Chris Patten.

“Lajčak may quit Bosnia”

The Office of the High Representative (OHR) in Sarajevo did not want to comment on the media speculation.

According to Dnevni Avaz, the news has been confirmed by sources in Slovakia, which state that Lajčak is one of the three most serious candidates for the position of foreign minister.

The daily states that there has been talk “for some time within the EU that Lajčak is not up to the task in Bosnia” and that he should be replaced by “a stronger political personality,” a view publicly expressed by Austrian MEP Hannes Swoboda, who according to Dnevni Avaz, is one of the people “interested in Lajčak’s position.”

Besides Swoboda, other candidates, according to the Bosnian daily, are former Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern and former European Foreign Affairs Commissioner Chris Patten.

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