2,000 refugees arrive in Serbia each day via Macedonia

The number of refugees entering Serbia from Macedonia is not diminishing, with around 2,000 registered every day at a reception center in Presevo.

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 16.09.2015.


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2,000 refugees arrive in Serbia each day via Macedonia

According to him, there is "a constant flow of people coming in and and leaving Presevo, after they receive the necessary papers."

The documents in question allow migrants to legally stay in Serbia for three days, during which they can either seek asylum, or leave the country.

Halimi said that everyone who registers in Presevo is cared for, and that donors include private citizens and UNHCR. But he appealed for more donations in food and warm clothes.

According to him, refugees crossing from Macedonia first stop in the Miratovac center where nearly 90,000 packages of food had been distributed since June 5.

"These packages were given to people with a name and a surname, that is, that's how many refugees passed through Presevo, according to our records," Halimi said.

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