Vucic can't confirm government will be formed by June 16

Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday after the first day of consultations on the composition of his government that he was satisfied with the meetings.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 08.06.2016.


Vucic can't confirm government will be formed by June 16

Vucic can't confirm government will be formed by June 16

Speaking to reporters in the Serbian Assembly building, Vucic said that the discussions with the Socialist Party of Serbia-United Serbia (SPS-JS) coalition were good and open, that its goals are largely identical to his, and that an agreement was reached to continue the discussions.

He said that the meeting with Serb Radical Party leader Vojislav Seselj as "open and courteous, polite."

Vucic also commented on the brief meeting with Enough is Enough Movement leader Sasa Radulovic, who he said "did not come to talk," and accused Radulovic of "crying, whining, complaining" while he, on the other hand, is "afraid of nobody and tells everyone to their face what he thinks."

Radulovic said earlier he "handed Vucic a lawsuit, to which he replied with insults."

Addressing reporters on Tuesday evening, Vucic said he and officials of the LSV-LDP parties "spoke about the future of the (Vojvodina) province," while the meeting with the Dveri Movement focused on "the birth rate policy and what needs to be changed in the coming period."

Vucic said that he heard many different ideas and proposals.

"Some of them I will take into consideration, some I will not, and some of them I will include in my program, which is the government program," Vucic said.

Beta agency quoted Vucic as saying that he would meet with minority parties on June 8 and that he would hold consultations at the Serbian Progressive Party headquarters on June 9-10 along with his party's coalition partners, and would then hold an additional round of consultations.

He added that he does not yet know the composition of the government and that it may be formed after June 16 - the date he previously set as the deadline.

Forming the best possible government is definitely a goal, the Serb Progressive Party (SNS) leader told reporters in the parliament building.

Vucic said that he will meet again with officials of all parties "except those with whom there were no discussions on Tuesday."

He said that he will on Wednesday speak with parties representing ethnic minorities and with SNS officials on Thursday and Friday, announcing that he will make decisions afterwards.

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