Swedish plan for coordinated independence

Tanjug reports it has had insight into a Swedish Kosovo plan presented at the Friday's EU summit in Brussels.

Izvor: Tanjug

Sunday, 16.12.2007.


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Tanjug reports it has had insight into a Swedish Kosovo plan presented at the Friday's EU summit in Brussels. The plan for coordination of Kosovo's independence between the European Union and Pristina, says that Brussels should wait until after the presidential elections in Serbia, on February 3, before adopting the necessary decisions that would lead to the recognition of the province's independence between mid-February and April 1. Swedish plan for coordinated independence The eight-page document on the European strategy for Kosovo was distributed by Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt. It states that the EU summit held on December 14 should set into motion a process leading to the so-called coordinated independence of Kosovo and that "this process must seem to respect international law", according to the agency. In order to achieve this, the international military and civilian presence in Kosovo would be based on the United NationsSecurity Council Resolution 1244, with the help of a decision by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon who would grant an EU mission authority in the area of the police and the judiciary. Even though the EU member-states would recognize Kosovo as de jure and de facto independent from Serbia, and pledge that Kosovo would be integrated into Europe and become a member of international organizations, they should realize that membership in the UN, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and the Council of Europe will not be possible as long as UN Security Council Resolution 1244 is in force, the document said. Therefore, it will be a recognition of Kosovo with a limited or qualified independence, the paper distributed by Bildt said, according to Tanjug.

Swedish plan for coordinated independence

The eight-page document on the European strategy for Kosovo was distributed by Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt.

It states that the EU summit held on December 14 should set into motion a process leading to the so-called coordinated independence of Kosovo and that "this process must seem to respect international law", according to the agency.

In order to achieve this, the international military and civilian presence in Kosovo would be based on the United NationsSecurity Council Resolution 1244, with the help of a decision by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon who would grant an EU mission authority in the area of the police and the judiciary.

Even though the EU member-states would recognize Kosovo as de jure and de facto independent from Serbia, and pledge that Kosovo would be integrated into Europe and become a member of international organizations, they should realize that membership in the UN, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and the Council of Europe will not be possible as long as UN Security Council Resolution 1244 is in force, the document said.

Therefore, it will be a recognition of Kosovo with a limited or qualified independence, the paper distributed by Bildt said, according to Tanjug.

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