B92 to sue Kurir tabloid

B92 is likely to launch a private action against daily Kurir for libel regarding its front page story with the headline “Fuel Mafia Financing B92”.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 18.06.2009.


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B92 is likely to launch a private action against daily Kurir for libel regarding its front page story with the headline “Fuel Mafia Financing B92”. The suit was brought against the Kurir editor-in-chief as the article did not carry the author’s name. B92 to sue Kurir tabloid B92 Editor-in-Chief Veran Matic said that this was part of a witch hunt against B92 which started right after the Insider show was screened. Pursuant to the Law on the Liability of Legal Entities for Criminal Acts, the suit will be brought against Kurir’s owner, the entire company, calling for, besides a monetary fine, security measures to be taken against the daily to prevent it from continuing to commit such crimes in future. Matic said that the story had nothing to do with journalism and it was clearly part of a witch hunt against B92 that had begun straight after the show, which had clearly ruffled feathers in certain centers of power. He added that the intention of the story was clearly to compromise B92’s credibility, which was the company’s chief asset. “Of course, this kind of witch hunt is very serious and there are already signs that words are being translated into actions," Matic said, referring to an incident last night when a group of adolescents threw firecrackers at B92’s doors before running off. Last night's incident (B92)

B92 to sue Kurir tabloid

B92 Editor-in-Chief Veran Matić said that this was part of a witch hunt against B92 which started right after the Insider show was screened.

Pursuant to the Law on the Liability of Legal Entities for Criminal Acts, the suit will be brought against Kurir’s owner, the entire company, calling for, besides a monetary fine, security measures to be taken against the daily to prevent it from continuing to commit such crimes in future.

Matić said that the story had nothing to do with journalism and it was clearly part of a witch hunt against B92 that had begun straight after the show, which had clearly ruffled feathers in certain centers of power.

He added that the intention of the story was clearly to compromise B92’s credibility, which was the company’s chief asset.

“Of course, this kind of witch hunt is very serious and there are already signs that words are being translated into actions," Matić said, referring to an incident last night when a group of adolescents threw firecrackers at B92’s doors before running off.

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