Evidence of KLA crimes against troops

The Serbian War Crime Prosecution is in possession of new evidence about a 1998 terrorist attack committed by the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 10.03.2009.


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The Serbian War Crime Prosecution is in possession of new evidence about a 1998 terrorist attack committed by the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). In the attack in question, this Kosovo Albanian armed group ambushed Yugoslav Army (VJ) soldiers, killing five and injuring two. Evidence of KLA crimes against troops The evidence includes a video recording of the ambush set up by the terrorists, in the Kosare region on September 30, 1998, Serbia's state television RTS reported late on Monday. “I believe that this is more than enough material to start a serious investigation in Albania, and that it is convincing enough for our colleagues in the Council of Europe and other international institutions,” prosecution spokesman Bruno Vekaricc stated. The terrorist group, headed by Agim Ramadani, crossed the border from their camp in Albania in the early morning hours and set up the ambush. The conflict in Kosovo turned into a full scale war the following year. RTS also reported last night that the prosecution's new findings, obtained from journalistic sources in Albania, are "partially related to the human organs trafficking case". The prosecution believes that hundreds of kidnapped Kosovo Serbs in 1999 ended up in northern Albania, where they were killed after their vital organs were extracted to be sold in the black market.

Evidence of KLA crimes against troops

The evidence includes a video recording of the ambush set up by the terrorists, in the Košare region on September 30, 1998, Serbia's state television RTS reported late on Monday.

“I believe that this is more than enough material to start a serious investigation in Albania, and that it is convincing enough for our colleagues in the Council of Europe and other international institutions,” prosecution spokesman Bruno Vekaricć stated.

The terrorist group, headed by Agim Ramadani, crossed the border from their camp in Albania in the early morning hours and set up the ambush.

The conflict in Kosovo turned into a full scale war the following year.

RTS also reported last night that the prosecution's new findings, obtained from journalistic sources in Albania, are "partially related to the human organs trafficking case".

The prosecution believes that hundreds of kidnapped Kosovo Serbs in 1999 ended up in northern Albania, where they were killed after their vital organs were extracted to be sold in the black market.

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