EBRD: Unused loans should be canceled or redirected

Serbia should cancel most of the EUR 3.5 billion loans that have not been used, or redirect a part of the funds to more urgent projects, says Matteo Patrone.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 04.05.2015.


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(Tanjug, file)

EBRD: Unused loans should be canceled or redirected

"We are discussing this with the Serbian authorities, so they would, where possible, cancel the loans that are not used, or redirect the funds to other projects," said Patrone, adding that the country is required to pay a fee for the unused portion of the approved loans.

Out of a total of EUR 3.5 billion in loans approved by international financial institutions for projects in Serbia, the loans approved by the EBRD account for more than EUR 800 million.

"The government of Serbia should ask for the cancellation of loans or redirection of the funds, and we would gladly accept. This would improve the country's fiscal position, or the funds could be used for other purposes," Patrone said.

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