Albanians arm themselves, U.S. armored vehicles reached Kosovo and Metohija

President of the so-called Kosovo Vjosa Osmani estimated that the American donation of 55 military vehicles received today is contribution to peacekeeping.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 30.08.2021.


Albanians arm themselves, U.S. armored vehicles reached Kosovo and Metohija

Albanians arm themselves, U.S. armored vehicles reached Kosovo and Metohija

At the ceremony of presenting these vehicles, which was also attended by the Prime Minister of Kosovo of self-proclaimed Kosovo, Albin Kurti, Osmani thanked the United States for the donation and said that the people of Kosovo will forever be grateful to the American people.

"This is a special day for Kosovo, because our strategic partner, the United States, is donating 55 large military vehicles to our armed forces, which will help further strengthen their capabilities and further deepen our army's interaction with the Allied army. I am happy that, together with you and all the citizens of Kosovo, our common dream of our country's army creating operational capacities close to our allies and lining up with them in securing peace is being realized", Kosovo President said.

Osmani expressed hope that Pristina would soon provide helicopters as well.

Kurti said that despite the deteriorating situation with the coronavirus, Kosovo continues to be committed to working with allies to contribute to lasting peace, long-term stability, regional and global security.

"Our country welcomes Afghan refugees, militarily supports peace in the Middle East and supports the countries of the region in dealing with natural disasters, as was the case with Albania," Kurti said.

He expressed confidence that this equipment will be used in the best way, in the service of preserving the interests of the country, security, stability in the country and in the region.

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