"Montenegrins are our brothers, we have no one closer" VIDEO

"I've no doubt that this is a political decision of the authorities in Montenegro," Aleksandar Vucic said regarding the decision of the Montenegrin government.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 27.05.2020.


Printskrin/ Instagram/buducnostsrbijeav

"Montenegrins are our brothers, we have no one closer" VIDEO

He explained that he did not understand the criteria according to which it was decided whose passengers Montenegro would open its borders to.

"How is Germany on the list of countries that have had many more dead than Serbia, how can Austria and Slovenia, all proportionally with more death cases than Serbia. However, we will continue to test many people because human health is for us the most important", the President said in his address in Smederevska Palanka.

"As for the decisions of the Republic of Serbia, we will not stop the citizens of Montenegro and identify diseases. It is in the Serbian spirit, in the spirit of good and fraternal relations, and we do not want to punish 30% of Serbs living there or other citizens of that country", Vucic added.

When it comes to the decision of the Directorate of Civil Aviation that Montenegro Airlines is denied a permit to land at the Belgrade airport, Vucic explained that it was a logical decision.

"If the measure of the Directorate had not been passed, how could we separate who can get on the plane in relation to the decision of the Government of Montenegro - by counting their blood cells, so that who is from Montenegro can enter, and others do not. Does anyone think that is possible or normal?", Vucic explained.

He invited all Montenegrin citizens to come to Serbia.

"All citizens of Montenegro are welcome in Serbia and I invite them to come," he said.

The President of Serbia also answered the question about criminal groups from Montenegro.

"We want to protect our citizens from the influence of criminal groups from Montenegro. Everyone else is allowed to enter Serbia. There are no tensions, we have no problem with anyone. We will have a normal relationship, and we will show the difference between ourselves and them," he said.

He adds that Serbia has found a way to prevent the entry of members of criminal groups, even when they have no verdicts. When asked why we do not close the borders, he answers: "Why should we close our border? We want to ban our relatives from entering Serbia?"

"I don't understand what the point is. I think the point is for Serbia to open its doors wide to show that it accepts its guests. These are our brothers, we have no one closer than Montenegro."

Also, President Vucic emphasized that he has nothing against students who come from Montenegro to study in our country. Another group of students arrived in Belgrade on Tuesday.

"I am proud that they are coming to Belgrade to study. They are wonderful young people. Do you want us to return to the time when our country was closed and no one could come to our country?" Vucic concluded.

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