Vučić laid a flower on the renewed bust of Milica Rakić

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, laid a flower on the renewed bust of Milica Rakić in the early morning hours, the Presidency announced today.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 09.03.2022.


Vučić laid a flower on the renewed bust of Milica Rakić
Foto: Predsedništvo Srbije

Vučić laid a flower on the renewed bust of Milica Rakić

In Tasmajdan Park, the bust of Milica Rakić, a girl who died in the NATO aggression on FR Yugoslavia in 1999, has been returned to the monument dedicated to the children killed in NATO air raids.

As it is stated, the reconstruction of the bust was done by the Jeremic foundry, and the symbolic price was paid by the president, wanting to show the importance of not forgetting the crimes committed by NATO in Serbia.

A monument with the epitaph "We were just children", in memory of the 79 children who died, was desecrated on the night between Wednesday and Thursday, February 18.

This is the second time that vandals have broken off a bronze bust of a girl with a doll, sculpted in the image of Milica Rakic, since it was erected in 2000.

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