No compromise with the vandals; Involvement of foreign security services proven VIDEO

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, condemned last night's protests organized in front of the National Assembly, as "an act of political violence".

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 08.07.2020.


No compromise with the vandals; Involvement of foreign security services proven VIDEO
Screenshot/TV B92

No compromise with the vandals; Involvement of foreign security services proven VIDEO

"Last night in Belgrade, we witnessed the most brutal political violence in recent years. In the past eight years, the Republic of Serbia has fully respected the freedom of gatherings and protests, as well as a different opinion," he said.

“Last night it was not about the coronavirus, it was an unannounced political rally, against the law,” Vucic said, adding that "it happened that people of right-wing orientation attacked the building of the National Assembly and entered it, which means committing at least two criminal acts".

He emphasized that the police reacted only when the gathered protesters started to vandalize the building of the National Assembly.

"Faced with all this, the police took legal measures. It was enough for decent and peaceful people to see how those people treated each other and how they mistreated the police. Five police vehicles were set on fire, 43 police officers were injured, and one has a fractured skull", Vucic said, and then showed photos of police officers, some of whom, according to him, were attacked with a knife.

Vucic pointed out that great material damage was inflicted, as well as damage to Serbia's reputation.

"I understand the political frustrations, but we won’t allow anyone at home or from abroad to jeopardize the safety of our country", Vucic said.

He called on people not to go out to protest tonight, considering that today is the second worst day in terms of the number of infected.

"I will travel to Paris in the morning instead of tonight. I won't have enough time to rest preceding conversations with Macron, just to show that I am not afraid. I urge people not to go out so that further terrible infections do not occur. Today is our second worst day as 357 are newly infected, out of 8.600 tested. Eleven died. There are 118 patients on the respirator presently", he said.

He announced the tightening of measures.

"We are opening new hospitals for COVID patients. Both Ana (Brnabic) and Loncar believe that there is another chance for the measures to be tightened, but that there will be no curfew. I want to tell the citizens of Serbia that I am against that and that I think the only solution is to ban movement", he said.

He said that "throwing stones and Molotov cocktails are not a cure for coronavirus."

"After everything that have taken place last night, it would be a shame for me to deviate from my words under the pressure of thugs and hooligans. The strength of our team is shown by the fact that I do not decide, but I have to respect the opinion of my friends and colleagues. We have no cure for the coronavirus, there is none. There is no vaccine. It is certain that the cure for this society is not knives, stones and Molotov cocktails. So I would just ask people to behave in a disciplined manner, especially in Belgrade. We have run out of the solutions", he said.

He emphasized that "there will be no compromise with the vandals".

"All those who took part in the burning of cars and injuring police officers will be punished without mercy. There will be no compromise with hooligans. We are always ready for political compromises and talks, but if that makes sense," he concluded.

He also spoke about the involvement of foreign factors in the events in front of the National Assembly.

"I have no doubt that those who worked on this last night had the goal of weakening Serbia's position. We have evidence of the involvement of certain officials of some regional secret services, and we can talk about everything else later, when our services do the analysis," he pointed out.

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