The fourth litigation against the parents of the killer boy has begun
In the High Court in Belgrade today, the fourth civil case began against the parents of the boy who killed nine students and a guard at "Vladislav Ribnikar" on May 3, 2023, under the lawsuit of the minor who was wounded on that occasion.

Prosecutors' lawyer Stefan Radivojević proposed today at the preliminary hearing that the minor A.B. be heard first in the proceedings. as the injured party, as well as his mother as a legal representative, adding a proposal to hear the defendant Kecmanović as well.
Radivojević proposed to conduct an expert examination of the injuries sustained by the minor, as well as the intensity of the fear he felt at the critical moment.
On the other hand, Marina Ivelja, the lawyer of the Kecmanović family, suggested that the "Vladislav Ribnikar" school should be informed about this procedure, since, as she claims, the omissions of the employees of that school, which she proposed as witnesses, were found during the extraordinary inspection.
She attached several pieces of evidence, including a video of the boy from the shooting range, on which, she claims, it can be seen how the owner of the shooting range trains him to shoot.
She also suggested that the psychiatric examination of minor K.K. be performed as evidence. on the circumstances, whether he was sane on the critical occasion, which, as she stated, should have been done during the summer.
Ivelja withdrew the proposal to interrogate the Kecmanovićs in this proceeding, which Radivojević opposed and stated that even if they refuse to testify, the court should value it as evidence.
In the end, the court listed the evidence that will be presented during the proceedings, including the hearing of Kecmanović, concluded the preliminary hearing and scheduled the main hearing for August 23.
This lawsuit was filed against Miljana and Vladimir Kecmanović by the minor who was wounded on May 3, that is, his parents as legal representatives. The lawsuit was filed for compensation for non-material damage due to physical pain, suffered fear and psychological pain.
Before this litigation, three more started in this court - one lawsuit was filed by members of the Dukić family, another by 27 members of the families of those killed, while the third was also for wounding a minor.
The court will decide on the claim and only after the end of the civil proceedings will it make a decision whether it fully or partially accepts the family's claim, or possibly rejects it.
Criminal proceedings are underway against the boy's father and mother, as well as the instructor and owner of the shooting club where, as is suspected, K.K. learned to shoot, while the minor is criminally irresponsible because he was not 14 years old at the time of the massacre.
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