Politics 2



Vučić met with Botsan Kharchenko: I asked my Russian friends for consultations regarding sanctions against NIS

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, met today with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko.

Izvor: B92.net

Vučić met with Botsan Kharchenko: I asked my Russian friends for consultations regarding sanctions against NIS


After the meeting, the President of Serbia posted on his Instagram profile "buducnostsrbijeav", where he wrote that he had a good and open meeting with Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko, with whom he discussed the consequences of US sanctions against Russian companies on the Serbian Oil Industry.

"In accordance with the intergovernmental agreement between Serbia and the Russian Federation, I asked my Russian friends to start consultations and hold numerous meetings on the functioning of the #NIS in the future and to find the best solution in the mutual interest and the needs of preserving the partnership and friendly relations between Serbia and the Russian Federation," Vučić pointed out. 

"We also discussed all other important bilateral issues of interest to Belgrade and Moscow," he added.


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