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Scandal at the UN Security Council Session: Vjosa brought raped women; Vucic responded sharply PHOTO

Vjosa Osmani brought raped women to the session to testify about the alleged Serbian crimes.

Izvor: Novosti

Scandal at the UN Security Council Session: Vjosa brought raped women; Vucic responded sharply PHOTO


This was followed by a sharp reaction from the Serbian President, who also showed a photo of a woman who was raped and killed in Kosovo and Metohija during the war.

"You have brought people who do not belong here, neither to the diplomatic corps nor to advisers. This is a kind of political theater and a set-up for the Serbian delegation. It is as if some court process is ongoing of what happened 20 years ago, not a word about the report in the last 6 months. I was completely focused on the report of Caroline Zijadeh. Do you really believe that there were no Serbian women raped in Kosovo? I can show you the photo of Marica Minic from Bijelo Polje, she was raped several times, and then slaughtered. But that was not the topic of our meeting today, please inform us next time, as the founder of the UN, that some citizens will bring some people to put the blame on the other side. And let me ask you one question, did you hear that Serbia displayed some Iranian drones in Serbia, I have never seen any Iranian drone, that did not happen," said Vučić.

Let us remind you that Marica was a disabled person, and after she was raped and killed in front of her mother, Amfilohije buried her behind the Patriarchate of Peć. They didn't have a casket, so they just wrapped her in a blanket.

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