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Vučić with Serbs in Mostar: You can rely on Serbia and RS; Visit to the monastery in Žitomislići PHOTO

During his visit to Mostar, Aleksandar Vučić also met with representatives of the Serbian community.

Izvor: B92.net

Vučić with Serbs in Mostar: You can rely on Serbia and RS; Visit to the monastery in Žitomislići PHOTO


"During the conversation with the Serbs in Mostar, I listen carefully to their needs, wishes and plans in which Serbia could help them. We also talked about concrete activities and projects that would improve the quality of life of the Serbian community in the city on the Neretva, especially young people who want to stay in Mostar and build a future for themselves and their families there. I told them that they can always rely on Serbs and Serbia, as well as that in the coming period we will invest even more attention, funds, love and energy in the progress and development of all areas where Serbs live.

''President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić in a conversation with representatives of the Serbian community in Mostar," he wrote on his Instagram account.

After that, Vučić visited the Annunciation Monastery in Žitomislići.

"On a visit to the Žitomislići monastery and museum, which was declared a national monument and whose restoration was one of the key events that triggered the return of Serbs to the Neretva valley several decades ago. Serbia will do everything to further help preserve some of the most valuable historical and religious artifacts that are kept here and that testify to the identity, autochthonousness and spiritual life of our people. People told me about plans for stronger development of this region, and I promised that we will take care of their needs, so that as many young people as possible stay at their hearths," wrote Vučić on Instagram.


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