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Vučić: "It has been established that Serbia is in no way responsible for the genocide"

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić spoke in Mostar about the Resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica.

Izvor: B92.net

Vučić: "It has been established that Serbia is in no way responsible for the genocide"


"I had talks with the EU envoy. We had talks together about all issues. There are no easy and nice talks, the situation is complicated and complex. We are trying to preserve the peace, not to use every opportunity to speak ill of each other. Serbs neither attacked anybody, nor accused of anything," said Vučić.

"We don't want to live with a people who try to put such a label on the Serbian people. Genocide did not happen. They are trying to create a myth about Srebrenica. No one mentions the 3,500 Serbs who were killed," Dodik added, referring to the Resolution on Srebrenica.

"I will always support the RS in everything. You violate the procedures within one country regarding the most difficult issues and no one reacts to that, on the contrary, everyone looks at it as if it is something normal. Dodik knows best what will happen to Republika Srpska. It has been established that Serbia is in no way responsible for genocide," said Vučić.

"For genocide to have happened, there must have been an intention to destroy one group. That did not happen in Srebrenica. Everyone suffered equally. What do you want, for us to remain silent?" asked Dodik.

"Instead of talking about how many passengers we had on the plane, about businessmen and cooperation, we were sent 30 years in the past, and that was brought back by those who told us not to look at the past. They told us why are you going back 25 years into the past when we talked about NATO aggression. The past is good when it suits them," said Vučić.

Prishtina wants to join the Council of Europe without CSM

"No one notices that for 10 months Serbian goods do not enter the Republic of Kosovo. No one alive is interested in that and they are still given membership in the Council of Europe. They have an explanation that they will form the CSM one day, but of course they will never do that. I understand all the frustrations. What is important for us is to find a rational way out so that we don't get out of that topic for the next 10 years. I understand what Bosniaks want, but I don't understand what the Germans, Americans, etc. want. The day after tomorrow, we will pay a million marks for Bileća," said Vučić.

Talk with Lajčak

"We had a tough conversation. On Thursday, there are discussions about dinars. Everything is getting complicated and accelerating and everything is going in a direction that you are no longer sure how to control it all," said Vučić.


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