Crime 0



The second suspect in the murder in the park in Voždovac also surrendered

The second suspect in the murder of Djordje Mijatović surrendered to the police, "Blic" learns.

Izvor: Blic, Kurir

The second suspect in the murder in the park in Voždovac also surrendered


As Kurir reported, he turned himself in accompanied by a lawyer and parents, and both minors will be prosecuted for aggravated murder.

Let us remind you that the 16-year-old attacker of Djordje Mijatović was questioned this morning before the juvenile judge of the High Court, after which the High Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade suggested that he be detained.

Detention was proposed so that it would not affect the witnesses who will be heard during the investigation, because of the danger that he could repeat the crime if he was released, as well as because of public anxiety, it was confirmed for Kurir from the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade.

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