Crime 0



Dead silence in Zlot: Police in new locations

Despite the daily efforts of members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the body of the murdered Danka Ilić (2) from Banjsko Polje, near Bor, was not found even after the seventh day of the search.


Dead silence in Zlot: Police in new locations


D.D., the brother of the accused for the murder of D.D., who died in the police station after being detained on suspicion of helping his brother move the girl's body, was buried yesterday.

Neither his father, who is in custody on suspicion of being an accomplice, nor his brother, the main suspect who works at the "Waterworks" and confessed to the murder, came to the funeral.

The search for the body of the girl Danka Ilić (2) from Bor has been going on for days, and as "Blic" learns, all shafts and reservoirs that are active or inactive, along with natural and artificial irrigation systems are now being checked because the suspects in the murder of D.D. and S.J. worked in PUK "Waterworks" knows these systems well by the nature of their work.

An eerie silence reigned in the village of Zlot, and the villagers closed themselves in their houses.

Since March 26, when Danka Ilić disappeared, and later when it was found out that she was brutally murdered, Bor and the surrounding villages have been silent. Because of this, discotheques in Bor were closed for the weekend, and citizens also canceled private celebrations as a sign of solidarity.


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