Bannon thinks Balkans "could gain much more important place"

Steve Bannon thinks that the Balkans could gain a much more important place on the world stage in the new geostrategic environment.

Izvor: RTRS

Friday, 03.08.2018.


Bannon thinks Balkans

Bannon thinks Balkans "could gain much more important place"

The opinion is that the Balkans will become a more important place on the world stage, where in a new geostrategic environment, China, Iran and Turkey are forming a kind of alliance.

When it comes to the Cold War, Bannon doesn't think its' over.

"I think it's been very powerful what happened in Helsinki, which I think is positive. And I think Trump offering to have Putin come to the Unite States was very positive, and I think Putin just invited Trump to Russia, so I think that's the way to communicate. The liberals in our country and the progressives, they always want to talk - I mean the Dayton Accords came from that - they always want to sit down and talk, engage, except when President Trump wants to do it."

According to Bannon, George Soros is "the father of just about all evil in the US and the world."

He argues that Soros is trying to change Europe by using billions of dollars of US money.

Soros funds NGOs linked with left-wing media to oppose populist and nationalist parties throughout Europe, Bannon said, adding that his goal is to counterbalance Soros and his "bad intentions in Europe."

"I think George Soros is a very negative influence throughout the world. I think he's done a lot to harm Europe. I think this whole issue with migrants, the open borders, which has really hurt those countries, we are seeing real blowback from countries such as Hungary, Austria and Italy. It all comes from Soros-led initiatives," he said.

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