Montenegro replies to Russian request to reconsider NATO bid

The Montenegrin Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that membership in NATO and the EU is the government's "strategic foreign policy objective."

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 20.11.2015.


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Montenegro replies to Russian request to reconsider NATO bid

As stated, the orientation towards NATO membership is nothing new or unexpected, but the result of "a consistent policy."

"We have always communicated our position on this issue clearly, openly and unequivocally to all partners, including Russia, highlighting the sovereign right of each state to create its own foreign policy course," said the MFA statement.

Podgorica's response also said that Montenegro's "integration in NATO" is in the best interest of citizens and "not directed against anyone," and that "in the spirit of centuries-long tradition and friendship Montenegro wants to develop and improve bilateral relations with Russia."

Russia on Thursday urged Montenegro to reconsider its NATO bid, assessing that Montenegro's membership would be "rash" and "seriously undermine the traditionally friendly relations" between the two countries, as well as bring into question "the complete work on the formation of an pan-European security architecture ".

Moscow's message was delivered by Deputy Ambassador in Podgorica Vladimir Gurko, ahead of Friday's expected adoption of a Russian State Duma's document opposing the accession of Montenegro to NATO.

Russia's request comes ahead of the meeting of the western military alliance's ministers in early December, when Montenegro should be invited to join NATO.

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