Serbian officials condemn incident in Kosovo

Aleksandar Vulin and Milovan Drecun have condemned <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">an attack on members of EULEX near Zvečan on Thursday</a>, in which one Lithuanian member of the EU mission died.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 19.09.2013.


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BELGRADE Aleksandar Vulin and Milovan Drecun have condemned an attack on members of EULEX near Zvecan on Thursday, in which one Lithuanian member of the EU mission died. Vulin, who is minister without portfolio in charge of Kosovo, said that the perpetrators "whoever they may be" are the greatest enemies of the Serbs and Serbia. Serbian officials condemn incident in Kosovo "It's still all under investigation, so I do not know who the perpetrator is, but on this occasion I want to, on behalf of the government of Serbia, strongly condemn the tragedy that took place and which could not possibly be accidental, and even less so remain unpunished," said Vulin. The government of Serbia, he continued, was offering all the help in finding the perpetrators of this crime. "Whoever did this is the biggest enemy of the Serbs, of the state of Serbia, and I ask for the support of all citizens in Kosovo to help us to quickly find the perpetrator and that the perpetrator is punished quickly," said Vulin. He added that "the goal of the perpetrator of this crime was to trigger violence in Kosovo and Metohija, prevent the Serbs from participating in elections and staying and surviving in Kosovo and to harm Serbia's path towards the EU." "What happened today should be investigated to the end and we have to find the perpetrators," said Vulin. He said that the tragedy "should not in any way change the positive image of Serbia that she had been painstakingly achieved in the world public." "This should not be related to all residents of Kosovo and Metohija, especially not all Serbs living in the north," said Vulin, adding that the intention of the perpetrators apparently was to destabilize the region, and that "in an atmosphere of chaos" prevent the holding of local elections in Kosovo and Metohija. Meanwhile, Chairman of the Parliament Committee on Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said he believed that the killing of an EULEX member near Zvecan was "a planned attack aimed at destabilizing the north before the local elections on November 3." "By all accounts, this is a planned attack aimed at destabilizing the north at a very important time when local elections are approaching," said Drecun. He added that there were provocations before in the north, incidents caused by unknown persons which were attributed to the Serbs. "It is a very sensitive situation in which incidents occur, and it will be sensitive to discover the attackers," Drecun was quoted as saying. He pointed out that violence was unacceptable, "especially toward members of international forces," and that it deserved absolute condemnation. Drecun also stated that for the sake of peace and stability in the north the perpetrators should be found as soon as possible. The incident near Zvecan on Thursday was also strongly condemned by EULEX, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, and the authorities in Pristina. The scene of the attack (Tanjug) Tanjug

Serbian officials condemn incident in Kosovo

"It's still all under investigation, so I do not know who the perpetrator is, but on this occasion I want to, on behalf of the government of Serbia, strongly condemn the tragedy that took place and which could not possibly be accidental, and even less so remain unpunished," said Vulin.

The government of Serbia, he continued, was offering all the help in finding the perpetrators of this crime. "Whoever did this is the biggest enemy of the Serbs, of the state of Serbia, and I ask for the support of all citizens in Kosovo to help us to quickly find the perpetrator and that the perpetrator is punished quickly," said Vulin.

He added that "the goal of the perpetrator of this crime was to trigger violence in Kosovo and Metohija, prevent the Serbs from participating in elections and staying and surviving in Kosovo and to harm Serbia's path towards the EU."

"What happened today should be investigated to the end and we have to find the perpetrators," said Vulin.

He said that the tragedy "should not in any way change the positive image of Serbia that she had been painstakingly achieved in the world public."

"This should not be related to all residents of Kosovo and Metohija, especially not all Serbs living in the north," said Vulin, adding that the intention of the perpetrators apparently was to destabilize the region, and that "in an atmosphere of chaos" prevent the holding of local elections in Kosovo and Metohija.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Parliament Committee on Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said he believed that the killing of an EULEX member near Zvečan was "a planned attack aimed at destabilizing the north before the local elections on November 3."

"By all accounts, this is a planned attack aimed at destabilizing the north at a very important time when local elections are approaching," said Drecun.

He added that there were provocations before in the north, incidents caused by unknown persons which were attributed to the Serbs. "It is a very sensitive situation in which incidents occur, and it will be sensitive to discover the attackers," Drecun was quoted as saying.

He pointed out that violence was unacceptable, "especially toward members of international forces," and that it deserved absolute condemnation. Drecun also stated that for the sake of peace and stability in the north the perpetrators should be found as soon as possible.

The incident near Zvečan on Thursday was also strongly condemned by EULEX, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, and the authorities in Priština.

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