PM "won't take part in anti-migrant campaign"

The state will help migrants "in every possible way" and "will not take part in a campaign against them," says Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 13.08.2015.


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PM "won't take part in anti-migrant campaign"

Vucic also said he thinks "not everyone in Kanjiza is unhappy about the arrival of a large number of migrants":

"Not everyone in Kanjiza is against it, especially if you ask people who own businesses, they'll all say the situation is the opposite. We'll help Kanjiza as we are doing in Presevo. Belgrade has a greater inflow of migrants, yet it's managing."

The prime minister pointed out that there had only been two incidents so far involving migrants, "and that was amongst themselves."

"If you took two of Serbia's most peaceful villages you wouldn't be able to find such a percentage," Vucic has been quoted as saying, and adding that "the state will do what it can on this issue, will ask Europe for help." But he noted he was "not certain we will be able to get it."

"To now cry as if we're facing the biggest cataclysm, I won't take part in that, those are people. I won't take part in a campaign against migrants, our people went through the same suffering and misfortunes," said Vucic.

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