“Serbia cannot be Kosovo’s hostage”

Rada Trajković said that all of Serbia cannot be held hostage by the 136,000 Serbs living in Kosovo.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 27.02.2008.


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Rada Trajkovic said that all of Serbia cannot be held hostage by the 136,000 Serbs living in Kosovo. The president of the executive council of the Serbian National Council in Kosovo told B92 that Serbs in the province understand the importance of the EU mission, but they cannot accept it without a legal basis for doing so. “Serbia cannot be Kosovo’s hostage” “The problem with the arrival of the EU mission in Kosovo could be solved by having UNMIK remain the link between Serbs in Kosovo and the mission,” said Trajkovic. Trajkovic supports the idea of Economy and Regional Development Minister Mladjan Dinkic that Serbia needs to stop paying Kosovo’s debts. “A modality should be found for not creating animosity towards Serbs in Kosovo. All of Serbia cannot be the hostage of 136,000 Serbs that live in Kosovo." "The rest of Serbia is a multi-ethnic part that understands different regions, different people and different nationalities and different relations towards Serbia’s problems. That is why I believe that at this time, reason and stability would be very good for Belgrade’s politics,” Trajkovic said. Trajkovic said that another entrance of Serbian military reservists onto Kosovo territory could lead to the formation of a land or air security zone on that part of the territory. “If you keep allowing the military reservists to come, and they do not respect what Nebojsa Covic was able to achieve with the abolishment of the zone, we will be in the position again that a land or air security zone will have to be implemented again, and NATO armed forces will be able to enter that zone again." "In that way we will endanger the sovereignty of the part of the territory which includes Presevo and Bujanovac, and at this moment, I really cannot understand why we are doing things without understanding their possible consequences. If that is the action plan and politicy, then I really have no idea where we are headed,” Trajkovic believes. Speaking of the possibility of a partition of Kosovo, she said that until the recent unrest in Belgrade occurred, there was silent support from the international community for a partition of the province according to the Cyprus model. Rada Trajkovic (FoNet archive)

“Serbia cannot be Kosovo’s hostage”

“The problem with the arrival of the EU mission in Kosovo could be solved by having UNMIK remain the link between Serbs in Kosovo and the mission,” said Trajković.

Trajković supports the idea of Economy and Regional Development Minister Mlađan Dinkić that Serbia needs to stop paying Kosovo’s debts.

“A modality should be found for not creating animosity towards Serbs in Kosovo. All of Serbia cannot be the hostage of 136,000 Serbs that live in Kosovo."

"The rest of Serbia is a multi-ethnic part that understands different regions, different people and different nationalities and different relations towards Serbia’s problems. That is why I believe that at this time, reason and stability would be very good for Belgrade’s politics,” Trajković said.

Trajković said that another entrance of Serbian military reservists onto Kosovo territory could lead to the formation of a land or air security zone on that part of the territory.

“If you keep allowing the military reservists to come, and they do not respect what Nebojša Čović was able to achieve with the abolishment of the zone, we will be in the position again that a land or air security zone will have to be implemented again, and NATO armed forces will be able to enter that zone again."

"In that way we will endanger the sovereignty of the part of the territory which includes Preševo and Bujanovac, and at this moment, I really cannot understand why we are doing things without understanding their possible consequences. If that is the action plan and politicy, then I really have no idea where we are headed,” Trajković believes.

Speaking of the possibility of a partition of Kosovo, she said that until the recent unrest in Belgrade occurred, there was silent support from the international community for a partition of the province according to the Cyprus model.

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