“Serbia wishes to join EU by 2012”

Economy ministry coordinator Milan Parivodić says Serbia hopes to become an EU member by 2012.

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 13.04.2007.


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“Serbia wishes to join EU by 2012”

“Achievements in economy can hardly be noticed and praised in the context of political problems,” Parivodić said, adding that the average annual economic growth stood at 5.5 percent, while the per-capita GDP has tripled in comparison to 2000 figures.

The Austrian daily quoted Parivodić as saying that foreign investments rose from EUR 1bn in 2004 to EUR 5.5bn in 2006.

“In ten years’ time Serbia should, alongside Greece, become the leading industrial state in the Balkans. We hope to join the European Union by 2012,” Parivodić said.

He added that “any steps Serbia is taking to get closer to the EU are hampered by the political struggle, the outcome of which is unpredictable.”

“We will never recognize Kosovo’s independence, but only accept a de facto situation,” Parivodić said.

Speaking about Hague fugitive Ratko Mladić, Parivodić said that the search for the indicted general might last a while.

“Belgrade doesn’t know Mladić’s whereabouts and we can’t get him with a magic wand,” he concluded.

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