Kosovo: Islamic State graffiti sprayed on Serb homes

Islamic State (IS, ISIS) graffiti have been sprayed on Serb homes in ethnically mixed neighborhoods in northern Kosovska Mitrovica, the police have confirmed.

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 27.11.2015.


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Kosovo: Islamic State graffiti sprayed on Serb homes

"The police investigated the scene and took photographs of these inscriptions and locations. Investigative work is under way," Bojic said, adding that security situation in northern Kosovo was "under control."

"Security measures have been undertaken, there are more mobile and pedestrian patrols. A special unit has been included in the ethnically mixed settlements of Bosnjacka Mahala, Tri Solitera and Mikronaselje. They are controlling traffic, vehicles, and passers-by," he said.

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