Sudanese FM: "Absolutely Israeli" attack

Israel has been accused by Sudan of carrying out an airstrike against a target in this east African country.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 06.04.2011.


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Israel has been accused by Sudan of carrying out an airstrike against a target in this east African country. The attack on Wednesday left two people dead in a car near Sudan Port, according to reports. Sudanese FM: "Absolutely Israeli" attack "This is absolutely an Israeli attack," Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti was quoted by the online edition of the Israeli daily Haaretz, adding that Israel's motive would have been to damage his country's chances of being removed from a U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism. Officials and media in Sudan also said that "an unidentified aircraft had flown into Sudanese air space to bomb the car, coming from the Red Sea and flying back", the newspaper reported. In Jerusalem, Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor refused to comment on the accusations. In 2009 a convoy of arms smugglers was hit by unidentified aircraft in Sudan - "a strike that some reports said may have been carried out by Israel to stop weapons that most probably came from Iran and were bound for Gaza", Haaretz said.

Sudanese FM: "Absolutely Israeli" attack

"This is absolutely an Israeli attack," Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti was quoted by the online edition of the Israeli daily Haaretz, adding that Israel's motive would have been to damage his country's chances of being removed from a U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism.

Officials and media in Sudan also said that "an unidentified aircraft had flown into Sudanese air space to bomb the car, coming from the Red Sea and flying back", the newspaper reported.

In Jerusalem, Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor refused to comment on the accusations.

In 2009 a convoy of arms smugglers was hit by unidentified aircraft in Sudan - "a strike that some reports said may have been carried out by Israel to stop weapons that most probably came from Iran and were bound for Gaza", Haaretz said.

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