Police called in over UK ministers’ expenses leaks

As a British newspaper published a second day of disclosures about ministers’ expenses, police have been asked to investigate how the details were leaked.

Izvor: EuroNews

Saturday, 09.05.2009.


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As a British newspaper published a second day of disclosures about ministers’ expenses, police have been asked to investigate how the details were leaked. Claims that senior politicians have been exploiting the system pile further pressure on Prime Minister Gordon Brown. He is among those under scrutiny in the press. Police called in over UK ministers’ expenses leaks “Of course all MPs live in their constituencies and in London. There has got to be some allowance for that,” Brown told reporters. “But I said the system has to change. I said it is wrong and it should be amended. We want to abolish the present system and replace it by something different and that is why I made the proposals I did a few days ago.” Amid suspicions that a mole has been feeding information to journalists, parliamentary authorities now want police to get involved. On the street, people want answers. Conservative opposition leader David Cameron said: “I completely understand how angry the public are about this and we desperately need change. I have argued for a long time that we have to cut the cost of the expenses regime so it costs people less. We have got to radically reduce the number of things MPs can claim for and we have got to sort out the system.” In the meantime, with further revelations promised, Cameron knows his Conservative Party also faces questions about whether its MPs have made the most of existing rules.

Police called in over UK ministers’ expenses leaks

“Of course all MPs live in their constituencies and in London. There has got to be some allowance for that,” Brown told reporters. “But I said the system has to change. I said it is wrong and it should be amended. We want to abolish the present system and replace it by something different and that is why I made the proposals I did a few days ago.”

Amid suspicions that a mole has been feeding information to journalists, parliamentary authorities now want police to get involved. On the street, people want answers.

Conservative opposition leader David Cameron said: “I completely understand how angry the public are about this and we desperately need change. I have argued for a long time that we have to cut the cost of the expenses regime so it costs people less. We have got to radically reduce the number of things MPs can claim for and we have got to sort out the system.”

In the meantime, with further revelations promised, Cameron knows his Conservative Party also faces questions about whether its MPs have made the most of existing rules.

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