Media: Cedomir Jovanovic committed a new incident; beat up a man in the garage

LDP leader Cedomir Jovanovic was again an actor in a fight in a Belgrade garage.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 23.07.2021.


Media: Cedomir Jovanovic committed a new incident; beat up a man in the garage
Screenshot/TV B92/arhiva

Media: Cedomir Jovanovic committed a new incident; beat up a man in the garage

According to media reports, V.S. (53) reported to the police that he was attacked by Cedomir Jovanović in the garage on Zoran Djindjić Boulevard, due to disagreements over the parking lot.

It is alleged that Jovanović pushed V.S. who fell to the floor.

The police arrived at the scene of the conflict very quickly, and Jovanović was summoned to state his opinion on the circumstances of the event.

The competent Prosecutor's Office will be informed about everything, and it will decide whether there are elements of a criminal act or misdemeanor. We tried to get in touch with Jovanović, but he did not answer the calls from

Just to recall, Jovanović made a similar incident on June 2 when he demolished a fast food restaurant in New Belgrade, after which he was taken to the police station. After a short quarrel in one bar, he smashed the window of another with a brick, and then attacked and insulted the police officers who came to intervene.

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