Diaspora urges changes to citizenship law

Leaders of the Union of Serbs in Romania met with a Serbian parliament official on Monday to stressed the need for changes to the Law on Citizenship.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 19.11.2012.


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TIMISOARA Leaders of the Union of Serbs in Romania met with a Serbian parliament official on Monday to stressed the need for changes to the Law on Citizenship. The organization's leaders met with Aleksandar Cotric, chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region. Diaspora urges changes to citizenship law The changes would make it easier for Serbs in Romania and other countries to get Serbian citizenship, the Serbian parliament said in a release. Cotric and committee member Miodrag Lenta also met in Timisoara with Slavomir Gvozdenovic, president of the Assembly of the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, and Serbia’s Consul General in Timisoara Lazar Manojlovic to discuss ways of improving the position of the Serb community in Romania. Committee members also met with representatives of the Gymnasium, Serbian-language media, the Serbian Orthodox Church and others, the statement added. Tanjug

Diaspora urges changes to citizenship law

The changes would make it easier for Serbs in Romania and other countries to get Serbian citizenship, the Serbian parliament said in a release.

Čotrić and committee member Miodrag Lenta also met in Timisoara with Slavomir Gvozdenović, president of the Assembly of the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, and Serbia’s Consul General in Timisoara Lazar Manojlović to discuss ways of improving the position of the Serb community in Romania.

Committee members also met with representatives of the Gymnasium, Serbian-language media, the Serbian Orthodox Church and others, the statement added.

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