Defense minister thanks Austrian and Russian ambassadors

Defense Minister Bratislav Gašić has thanked Austria's government for quickly deploying personnel that helped evacuate people from flooded areas in Serbia.

Izvor: FoNet

Monday, 19.05.2014.


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Defense minister thanks Austrian and Russian ambassadors

Serbs who live in Austria, Austrian citizens of Serb descent, and other people of good will have also been sending humanitarian aid, the ministry said in a statement.

It added that the bilateral cooperation between the two countries was very developed and keeping pace with excellent political relations.
Gašić also received Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin and conveyed his deep gratitude for the help and support that came from the Russian Federations, which responded within 24 hours of Serbia's request for help.

"Russia was the first came to our aid and 73 brave Russian rescuers, including 20 divers, were saving those whose lives were threatened in Obrenovac only three hours after landing in Niš. The timely assistance and the presence of Lieutenant-General Eduard Chizhikov represent a message about the dedication, professionalism, and the sincere friendship which has been reaffirmed, this time to fight the unpredictable nature," Gašić was quoted as saying.

The Russian Federation sent 40 motor boats, 30 mobile electric generators, 18 water pumps and heat guns for drying, as well as 47 tons of food, blankets and other resources.

Serbia is firmly committed to the fundamental development of cooperation with Russia in the field of defense, in accordance with the Declaration on Strategic Partnership signed last year, the statement added.

Gašić also thanked Russia for the principled support for Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty, and confirmed his participation in the forthcoming Moscow conference on international security.

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