Borrell informed them: "Progress by the parties is needed"

The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, made the announcement last night.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Wednesday, 29.11.2023.


Borrell informed them:

Borrell informed them: "Progress by the parties is needed"

He said that during the meeting he informed the ministers of foreign affairs of NATO member countries about the state of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and the situation in the Western Balkans.

Borrell stated on the "X" platform that the parties in the dialogue must make progress, and reminded of the importance of Bosnia and Herzegovina taking advantage of the momentum on its way to the EU.

''Important exchange with NATO Allies on the situation in the Western Balkans. I debriefed on the latest state of play in the EU-facilitated Dialogue. Progress by the parties is needed. Also recalled importance of BiH using the momentum to advance decisively on its EU path'', Borrell stated.

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