Talks on implementation of deal continue

Talks between Belgrade and Priština’s teams on the implementation of an agreement on normalization of Serbia and Kosovo's relations continued today.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 26.04.2013.


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BRUSSELS Talks between Belgrade and Pristina’s teams on the implementation of an agreement on normalization of Serbia and Kosovo's relations continued today. The first meeting ended in Brussels late on Thursday. Talks on implementation of deal continue The meeting, which was attended by EU Special Representative in Kosovo Fernando Gentilini, started on Thursday morning and ended without any public statements made. Belgrade's team in these talks is led by Serbian president's Adviser Marko Djuric, and comprised of Serbian government Secretary General Veljko Odalovic, Justice and Public Administration Minister Nikola Selakovic and Deputy Police Director Branislav Mitrovic. Pristina's team is headed by Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuci. The agreement, which was initialed by Prime Minister Ivica Dacic on behalf of Belgrade and Prime Minister Hashim Thaci on behalf of Pristina on April 19, is dealing with executive powers to be enjoyed by a community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo, including in the judiciary and the police, and the task of the teams is to agree on the details of its implementation. Serbian Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Suzana Grubjesic has said that the teams for the implementation of the agreement will discuss order of implementation of the points agreed on and implementation deadlines. The Serbian government accepted the draft of the agreement with Pristina on Monday, and Serbian lawmakers will meet Friday to debate a government report on progress in the Belgrade-Pristina talks, including the agreement under consideration. Well-informed sources told Tanjug that the debate on the plan for implementation of the Brussels agreement was of vital significance, since an answer to the question of whether the agreement would lead to a real autonomy for Serbs in Kosovo depended on the contents of the plan. Marko Djuric (Tanjug, file) Tanjug

Talks on implementation of deal continue

The meeting, which was attended by EU Special Representative in Kosovo Fernando Gentilini, started on Thursday morning and ended without any public statements made.

Belgrade's team in these talks is led by Serbian president's Adviser Marko Đurić, and comprised of Serbian government Secretary General Veljko Odalović, Justice and Public Administration Minister Nikola Selaković and Deputy Police Director Branislav Mitrović.

Priština's team is headed by Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuci.

The agreement, which was initialed by Prime Minister Ivica Dačić on behalf of Belgrade and Prime Minister Hashim Thaci on behalf of Priština on April 19, is dealing with executive powers to be enjoyed by a community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo, including in the judiciary and the police, and the task of the teams is to agree on the details of its implementation.

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Suzana Grubješić has said that the teams for the implementation of the agreement will discuss order of implementation of the points agreed on and implementation deadlines.

The Serbian government accepted the draft of the agreement with Priština on Monday, and Serbian lawmakers will meet Friday to debate a government report on progress in the Belgrade-Priština talks, including the agreement under consideration.

Well-informed sources told Tanjug that the debate on the plan for implementation of the Brussels agreement was of vital significance, since an answer to the question of whether the agreement would lead to a real autonomy for Serbs in Kosovo depended on the contents of the plan.

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