"Dialogue should continue under UNSC auspices"

The opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) believes that Belgrade has to find a new framework for the dialogue with Priština.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 08.10.2012.


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BELGRADE The opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) believes that Belgrade has to find a new framework for the dialogue with Pristina. The dialogue - sponsored by the EU - should in the future be conducted under the auspices of the UN Security Council (UNSC), because the EU is “openly trying to steal Kosovo from Serbia,” spokesman for the DSS Petar Petkovic said on Monday. "Dialogue should continue under UNSC auspices" “The dialogue that started in March this year is a framework for the establishment of good neighborly relations but not a way or solution to preserve Kosovo as part of Serbia. On the contrary,” Petkovic told a news conference. In order to implement the agreements reached in Brussels, Petkovic said, the government adopted decrees that are unconstitutional. Because of that, the DSS submitted a proposal to the Constitutional Court of Serbia to review the constitutionality of the disputed regulations that are “not in the interest of Serbia,” he added. Petkovic pointed out that the First Balkan War for liberation of Serbia and the Balkans from the Turks began 100 years ago today and that the victory of the Serbian army had brought Kosovo back under Serbia's rule. He pointed out that the 500 years of Turkish rule had ended as a result of “patience, struggle, courage and wisdom of the Serbian people,” adding that it was exactly what the nation needed right now and that any decisions regarding the southern province would be good only if today's government tried to look after their own ancestors. “No one has the right to treat Kosovo and Metohija like a private property, because it is the source of our identity and an issue concerning our people exclusively,” said Petkovic. He said that it was now best to freeze the conflict and wait for the right moment to liberate Kosovo, just like Serbian ancestors had waited 500 years for the right moment to arrive. According to Petkovic, the First Balkan War is a real indication that, although it has been taken away, Kosovo and Metohija can be brought back under the wing of Serbia again. "Nikolic realizes Kosovo is unpopular" The announcement by Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic that he will propose Prime Minister Ivica Dacic as new head of the Belgrade negotiating team in the talks with Pristina shows that Nikolic has transferred the issue to the government, and that he has realized that Kosovo is an unpopular topic which can cost many political points, Borislav Stefanovic, former head of the Belgrade negotiating team, now an MP of the opposition Democratic Party (DS) stated on Monday. “It is clear that he has realized that this is a very unpopular issue which can cost many political points. Since whatever you do it is very unpopular and difficult for resolving, particularly for this government that has no idea or plan for Kosovo whatsoever,” Stefanovic told reporters in the Serbian parliament. Stefanovic added that the Serbian citizens will face many difficult moments - hindrance of the EU integration process and simultaneous lack of resolution of the Kosovo issue. “If the president in a TV show can present a number of untrue statements in relation to the previous negotiating process, and fiercely oppose the agreements that have been made, I urge them once again to annul all they believe to be wrong as none of the agreements has been signed,” Stefanovic said. Tanjug

"Dialogue should continue under UNSC auspices"

“The dialogue that started in March this year is a framework for the establishment of good neighborly relations but not a way or solution to preserve Kosovo as part of Serbia. On the contrary,” Petković told a news conference.

In order to implement the agreements reached in Brussels, Petković said, the government adopted decrees that are unconstitutional.

Because of that, the DSS submitted a proposal to the Constitutional Court of Serbia to review the constitutionality of the disputed regulations that are “not in the interest of Serbia,” he added.

Petković pointed out that the First Balkan War for liberation of Serbia and the Balkans from the Turks began 100 years ago today and that the victory of the Serbian army had brought Kosovo back under Serbia's rule.

He pointed out that the 500 years of Turkish rule had ended as a result of “patience, struggle, courage and wisdom of the Serbian people,” adding that it was exactly what the nation needed right now and that any decisions regarding the southern province would be good only if today's government tried to look after their own ancestors.

“No one has the right to treat Kosovo and Metohija like a private property, because it is the source of our identity and an issue concerning our people exclusively,” said Petković.

He said that it was now best to freeze the conflict and wait for the right moment to liberate Kosovo, just like Serbian ancestors had waited 500 years for the right moment to arrive.

According to Petković, the First Balkan War is a real indication that, although it has been taken away, Kosovo and Metohija can be brought back under the wing of Serbia again.

"Nikolić realizes Kosovo is unpopular"

The announcement by Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić that he will propose Prime Minister Ivica Dačić as new head of the Belgrade negotiating team in the talks with Priština shows that Nikolić has transferred the issue to the government, and that he has realized that Kosovo is an unpopular topic which can cost many political points, Borislav Stefanović, former head of the Belgrade negotiating team, now an MP of the opposition Democratic Party (DS) stated on Monday.

“It is clear that he has realized that this is a very unpopular issue which can cost many political points. Since whatever you do it is very unpopular and difficult for resolving, particularly for this government that has no idea or plan for Kosovo whatsoever,” Stefanović told reporters in the Serbian parliament.

Stefanović added that the Serbian citizens will face many difficult moments - hindrance of the EU integration process and simultaneous lack of resolution of the Kosovo issue.

“If the president in a TV show can present a number of untrue statements in relation to the previous negotiating process, and fiercely oppose the agreements that have been made, I urge them once again to annul all they believe to be wrong as none of the agreements has been signed,” Stefanović said.

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