Serbia “will care for refugees”

Deputy Prime Minister Jovan Krkobabić said that there are 86,000 refugees and 210,000 internally displaced persons in Serbia.

Izvor: Beta

Saturday, 19.06.2010.


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Deputy Prime Minister Jovan Krkobabic said that there are 86,000 refugees and 210,000 internally displaced persons in Serbia. He said that despite 18 years of the refugee crisis, the government is doing everything it can to solve the existential problems and secure a quality life for them in Serbia, which has the greatest number of refugees and IDPs that were forced from their homes in all of Europe. Serbia “will care for refugees” “World Refugee Day is a good time to remind the world of those who had to leave their homes in order to save their lives,” Krkobabic said. He said that Serbia does not have the right to knock on the EU’s door for membership if it does not fulfill its obligations to its citizens, refugees and internally displaced persons. “This is our principle stance and we cannot back down from it, we also have the strong support of the international community,” Krkobabic said. He said that despite all the efforts of the Serbian government to help the refuges and IDPs, 14 collective centers were closed in 2009 and there are 60 collective centers left in Serbia in which more than 4,700 refugees and IDPs live. A testament to Serbia’s efforts is that despite the economic crisis, the government set aside EUR 10mn for financing the commissariat, which enabled the adaptation of 940 unfinished buildings and the economic strengthening of 475 families. Krkobabic said that there are three projects being financed with EUR 14.5mn of donations from the EU delegation in Serbia and the UNHCR for securing housing and economic stability for 2,000 refugee and IDP families. “Along with the funds from the EU IPA funds, another EUR 14.7mn has been secured for the realization of the projects that have already begun, as well as other ones in the coming period,” he said. He said that as far as the return of refugees to their homes is concerned, there are numerous obstacles with Croatia that need to be overcome. According to the latest UNHCR report, Krkobabic said, there are currently 43.3 million victims of conflicts and persecution in the world, many of which have been refugees for years, and some that are internally displaced, adding that there are about six million living in refugee camps. Jovan Krkobabic

Serbia “will care for refugees”

“World Refugee Day is a good time to remind the world of those who had to leave their homes in order to save their lives,” Krkobabić said.

He said that Serbia does not have the right to knock on the EU’s door for membership if it does not fulfill its obligations to its citizens, refugees and internally displaced persons.

“This is our principle stance and we cannot back down from it, we also have the strong support of the international community,” Krkobabić said.

He said that despite all the efforts of the Serbian government to help the refuges and IDPs, 14 collective centers were closed in 2009 and there are 60 collective centers left in Serbia in which more than 4,700 refugees and IDPs live.

A testament to Serbia’s efforts is that despite the economic crisis, the government set aside EUR 10mn for financing the commissariat, which enabled the adaptation of 940 unfinished buildings and the economic strengthening of 475 families.

Krkobabić said that there are three projects being financed with EUR 14.5mn of donations from the EU delegation in Serbia and the UNHCR for securing housing and economic stability for 2,000 refugee and IDP families.

“Along with the funds from the EU IPA funds, another EUR 14.7mn has been secured for the realization of the projects that have already begun, as well as other ones in the coming period,” he said.

He said that as far as the return of refugees to their homes is concerned, there are numerous obstacles with Croatia that need to be overcome.

According to the latest UNHCR report, Krkobabić said, there are currently 43.3 million victims of conflicts and persecution in the world, many of which have been refugees for years, and some that are internally displaced, adding that there are about six million living in refugee camps.

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