SNS: 300,000 signatures gathered for elections

SNS has thus far gathered 300,000 signatures for its petition for calling new parliamentary elections.

Izvor: Tanjug

Sunday, 07.02.2010.


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SNS has thus far gathered 300,000 signatures for its petition for calling new parliamentary elections. According to the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) legal advisor Nikola Selakovic, the party expects to gather more than one million signatures, after which the ruling coalition will not be able to ignore the demand of the citizens for change. SNS: 300,000 signatures gathered for elections “The government does not want new elections, because they are aware that their popularity is falling off, but if they have any political responsibility, the ruling parties will not be able to ignore the demand, which a million Serbian citizens stand behind,” Selakovic said. He said that in the last elections, 4.5 million voters participated, adding that once SNS gets the support of one-forth of the voting public, the demand for new elections will have its full legitimacy.

SNS: 300,000 signatures gathered for elections

“The government does not want new elections, because they are aware that their popularity is falling off, but if they have any political responsibility, the ruling parties will not be able to ignore the demand, which a million Serbian citizens stand behind,” Selaković said.

He said that in the last elections, 4.5 million voters participated, adding that once SNS gets the support of one-forth of the voting public, the demand for new elections will have its full legitimacy.

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