Attacks on police officers increasing

Daily Politika writes that some 200 police officers have been injured in attacks on them by citizens since the beginning of the year.

Izvor: Politika

Saturday, 01.08.2009.


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Daily Politika writes that some 200 police officers have been injured in attacks on them by citizens since the beginning of the year. Police officers in Serbia are constant targets for verbal abuse, but also physical attacks, especially by intoxicated persons who have been known to rip their badges off their uniforms and throw random objects at passing officers. Attacks on police officers increasing Police stated that attacks occur most often when drivers are pulled over by police, adding that many try to frighten the officers with claims of knowing very important and influential people. There have also been incidents in which people have either succeeded or tried to take guns away from police officers. “From 2004 to July 19 of this year, some 1,414 police officers have been injured in the line of duty and three have been killed. Despite training and physical readiness…it is very difficult to completely protect police officers, or predict the reaction of people who are the subjects of these actions,” police officials stated. According to data from the Interior Ministry, the number of police officers injured on duty is increasing every year. In 2004, 35 police officers were injured on duty, while 105 were injured in 2005. The number then doubled in 2006 and increased by 103 in the following year. Last year, 561 police officers were injured while on duty, which is 248 more than in 2007.

Attacks on police officers increasing

Police stated that attacks occur most often when drivers are pulled over by police, adding that many try to frighten the officers with claims of knowing very important and influential people.

There have also been incidents in which people have either succeeded or tried to take guns away from police officers.

“From 2004 to July 19 of this year, some 1,414 police officers have been injured in the line of duty and three have been killed. Despite training and physical readiness…it is very difficult to completely protect police officers, or predict the reaction of people who are the subjects of these actions,” police officials stated.

According to data from the Interior Ministry, the number of police officers injured on duty is increasing every year.

In 2004, 35 police officers were injured on duty, while 105 were injured in 2005. The number then doubled in 2006 and increased by 103 in the following year.

Last year, 561 police officers were injured while on duty, which is 248 more than in 2007.

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