Economic measures by end of January

The government will draft a detailed program of measures that will help overcome the global economic crisis by the end of this month, says Mlađan Dinkić.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 10.01.2009.


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The government will draft a detailed program of measures that will help overcome the global economic crisis by the end of this month, says Mladjan Dinkic. The measures will be agreed upon with the business community, trade unions and bank officials, the minister of economy and regional development told Tanjug in an interview on Saturday. Economic measures by end of January "The plan is that the government drafts a detailed program of measures and activities by the end of January. We could not do this earlier because we first wanted to consider in detail the effects of the crisis. We are now having talks with businessmen, bank representatives and trade unions, and we did not want to propose any hasty measures since this is an unprecedented situation we have here," Dinkic said. He explained that the program of economic measures would in effect represent a continuation of the package of measures which had already been adopted and which specified the dynamics and set the deadlines for the realization of certain activities. According to Dinkic, this program will be focused on three main segments - enhancing of economic solvency and employment maintenance, realization of state investments and reduction of state management costs.

Economic measures by end of January

"The plan is that the government drafts a detailed program of measures and activities by the end of January. We could not do this earlier because we first wanted to consider in detail the effects of the crisis. We are now having talks with businessmen, bank representatives and trade unions, and we did not want to propose any hasty measures since this is an unprecedented situation we have here," Dinkić said.

He explained that the program of economic measures would in effect represent a continuation of the package of measures which had already been adopted and which specified the dynamics and set the deadlines for the realization of certain activities.

According to Dinkić, this program will be focused on three main segments - enhancing of economic solvency and employment maintenance, realization of state investments and reduction of state management costs.

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