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Orbán revealed: In Brussels, preparations are underway for Europe's entry into the war

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán assessed today that preparations are underway in Brussels for Europe's entry into the war and added that it is necessary to strengthen the defense capacities of Hungary.

Izvor: Tanjug

Orbán revealed: In Brussels, preparations are underway for Europe's entry into the war


Orbán told Kossuth Rádió that "there are some alarming similarities between the present time and the time when preparations were made for the First and Second World Wars", reports the MTI agency.

"What is happening today in Brussels and Washington, or currently more in Brussels than in Washington, creates an atmosphere for a possible military conflict, which we could describe as preparation for Europe's entry into the war," said the Hungarian Prime Minister.

Orbán also stated that because of this, there is a need to strengthen the army because that in itself could deter war.

"Weakness is the most common reason for wars, so it is necessary to have an army and soldiers, make preparations and strengthen self-defense capabilities," said Hungarian Prime Minister.

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