World 6



Alarm from Brussels: The whole West is moving against Putin?

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that today in Brussels there is a majority that is in favor of war and that politics is dominated by the logic of war.


Alarm from Brussels: The whole West is moving against Putin?


"Today in Brussels there is a pro-war majority. In Europe, the mood is war, and politics is dominated by the logic of war. I see preparations for war from everyone," Viktor Orbán announced on his Facebook page.

He added that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg wants to establish a NATO-Ukraine mission, while "European leaders have already entered the war" and see and lead it as their own war.

"In the beginning, it was just about sending helmets. Then sanctions came, but not for energy producers! And yet, then for them too. Then came the delivery of weapons. First firearms, then tanks, then planes. Then financial aid. Dozens billions, more and more, now we are somewhere around 100 billion euros, money, weapons, but the situation is not improving, it is actually getting worse," said Orbán.

The Hungarian Prime Minister emphasized "that we are one step away from the West sending troops to Ukraine".

"This is a vortex of war that can drag Europe into the depths. Brussels is playing with fire. What it is doing is temptation. World wars are never called world wars to begin with. I am convinced that we must stay away from this war. This is not our war. We we don't want war and we don't want Hungary to become a toy of the great powers. That is why we must stand up for peace - at home, in Brussels, in Washington, the UN and NATO," concluded Orbán.


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