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Earth Day events are held all over Serbia

Today is Earth Day, an international initiative with main goal to raise awareness about environmental protection and the preservation of the planet.

Izvor: Tanjug

Earth Day events are held all over Serbia
Shutterstock/Black Salmon


Earth Day is being celebrated for the 55th time, and this year, according to the international organization "Earth Day", the main theme is the fight against plastic - "Planet Against Plastic". This organization called for a 60 percent reduction in global plastic production by 2040.

Earth Day is celebrated every April 22, and was first celebrated in 1970 in the United States of America. Then, organized by US Senator Gaylord Nelson and activist Dennis Hayes, the first Earth Day was held, during which more than 20 million people took to the streets of the USA.

Senator Gaylord Nelson got the idea for the "Earth Day" organization when he saw the damage caused by the spill of 11 million liters of oil into the Pacific Ocean, which occurred as a result of an oil platform accident near Santa Barbara, California.

Earth Day is traditionally celebrated with numerous actions around the world, such as collecting garbage, planting trees, protest walks by climate activists, holding educational workshops...

Last year, Earth Day was celebrated in several places in Serbia, such as Belgrade and Novi Sad, and it is expected to be celebrated this year as well. This year's Earth Day will be marked in Novi Sad with a series of events at several locations, and on that occasion, various topics from the field of environmental protection, such as recycling, energy efficiency and air protection, will be presented. In Trg slobode, but also in other locations, such as Spens plateau and Promenade, citizens will be able to familiarize themselves with the possibilities that the City offers them in terms of measures to increase the energy efficiency of their buildings or in connection with subsidies for bicycles, and a quiz will also be organized about ecology for all visitors to the event with valuable prizes.


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