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Police on the stretch between Zlot and Sumrakovac: Where is the investigation going?

The search for the body of two-year-old Danka Ilić from Bor continues. The hearing of the mother of one of the suspects, S.D., is pending.

Izvor: RTS

Police on the stretch between Zlot and Sumrakovac: Where is the investigation going?


She has been called as a witness to say everything she knows about this case, but, given that she has the status of a privileged witness, she can refuse to testify.

Her husband, R.D. is suspected of helping D.D. with his younger son to hide the body of a two-year-old girl from Bor whom he and S.D. killed with company's vehicle.

Meanwhile, the brother of the suspect D.D. died in custody.

The police and gendarmerie are searching the area from the village of Zlot, towards the village of Sumrakovac, where there are several landfills and water tanks. One of the murder suspects admitted during the hearing that he moved the body, which complicates the work of the police.

Members of the Criminal Police Directorate (UKP) from Belgrade and Bor are working intensively to find the body of little Danka and establish all the facts and circumstances related to this case, and 50 members of the Gendarmerie joined the search from the village of Zlot to the place of Sumrakovac.

Two-year-old Danka Ilić disappeared on March 26 on the family property.


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