Region 0



Zoran Milanović's victory speech: "I will be the supreme commander"

Zoran Milanović, former and future Croatian president, addressed the public from his headquarters.

Izvor: Novosti

Zoran Milanović's victory speech: "I will be the supreme commander"


He convincingly defeated the HDZ candidate Dragan Primorac in the second round of the presidential elections, winning more than 74% of the votes.

"Good evening and I will start like all verbal abusers - Croatia, thank you," Milanović said.

"Bosnia and Herzegovina, thank you," he added

"This is a big day for me, I see this victory as a recognition and approval of my work. This is the plebiscite message of the Croatian people to all those who should hear it and I am asking them to hear it," he said.

"Please give a big round of applause for all HDZ members and voters," he added.

"Whatever you want, my outstretched hand is towards those who hold executive office in this country, who say that they are responsible for 99% of everything. The government is the most responsible in this country, this is not my support, no one has the support of more than 70 percent of the voters , it's only in this moment and only today," he said.

"This is a message to those who send messages to me, and let them send them. I will stick to the Constitution, that is my program. I am not asking for powers, this is not because of powers but duty. My duty is to be equal in matters of foreign policy, because that is what it dictates. The constitution also mandates the convening of the National Security Council. I will be the supreme commander in matters of defense and security, not equal, but first in rank, because that is what the Constitution says.

"People sent a message. Not to me, but to them," he said, then added: "I hope I didn't talk too much about myself, like some. I want to believe that this is the reaction of our people to my work."


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