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Vučić spoke up: I am asking the Greek brothers to exercise restraint. There is no going back, Serbia will win

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić spoke from New York and appealed to Greece.

Izvor: B92

Vučić spoke up: I am asking the Greek brothers to exercise restraint. There is no going back, Serbia will win


Vučić stated that he does not believe that the Greeks will vote for the resolution and pointed out that he trusts his Greek friends.

"We have worked hard and we have many friends. It is difficult for many people and they are under a lot of pressure. The news appeared as if it was certain that the Greeks would vote in favor of the resolution. I don't believe that, I believe in our Greek friends, I believe in our Greek brothers. I believe in many others that they will show with their voice how much they respect their Serbian friends, I know they cannot be against it. Thank you to everyone in our country, thank you to everyone in Serbia, I invite all our friends around the world to once again raise their voices in defense of the libertarian, small nations that have no greater protection than the UN General Assembly. There is no turning back, Serbia is all we got. Serbia will win," Vučić said.

"I am asking Greek brothers and friends to exercise restraint".

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