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Vučić congratulated the Day of the Serbian Armed Forces: "Long live Serbian Army! Long live Serbia!"

President Vučić, congratulated the Minister of Defense Miloš Vučević, the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilović, and all members of the Serbian Armed Forces on the Day of the Serbian Armed Forces.

Izvor: Tanjug

Vučić congratulated the Day of the Serbian Armed Forces: "Long live Serbian Army! Long live Serbia!"


"The venture that Karadjordje started on Sretenje, Miloš began to bring to an end on Palm Sunday. Those two biggest holidays of the Serbian state remind us of the two first, stormy decades of the 19th century. The same magnificent generation of our ancestors ushered Serbia into the modern era and freedom", stated President Vučić in his congratulatory message.

He added that in memory of Cveti / Palm Sunday, that is, the day when the Second Serbian Uprising took place in 1815, and remembering, admiring and bowing to the shadows of the people who founded the renewed Serbian statehood, today with pride and reverence towards all generations of our knights, we celebrate the biggest military holiday - Day of the Serbian Armed Forces.

President pointed out that Serbian army was created from the insurgent companies, from the people, and that it has always been a key factor in state stability, announced the Office for Media Relations of the President of the Republic.

"This is where the roots of the deep connection between our people and our army lie. The Serbian Army, even in the time of professionalization, persistently nurtures this essential, most important and unbreakable bond with its people. Citizens recognize this fateful connection from the beginning and appreciate the efforts that the army makes for the common good", President Vučić emphasized.

He stated that in the past period, the Republic of Serbia has invested a lot of effort and huge funds in the top-quality equipment of the Army, and that special attention is focused on educational institutions from which today highly educated and trained young people come out, ready to professionally perform the most complex tasks, and he pointed out that this youth makes the future of our Army.

President Vučić pointed out that the Serbian Armed Forces, as always, contributes to the prosperity of our country and its citizens and provides full support for strengthening our security. He emphasized that the Army is the guarantor of our peace, our territorial integrity and our military neutrality.

"The bond between our people and its army was best described by Duke Stepa with the words: 'I sprang from the people. People made me what I am. I must submit to its will and serve the people until my last breath!' Long live the Serbian Army! Long live Serbia!" said President Vučić in his congratulatory message on the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day.


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