"Nikolić should lead united opposition"

Opposition New Serbia (NS) leader Velimir Ilić said that Serb Progressive Party (SNS) President Tomislav Nikolić should lead the opposition.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 25.11.2009.


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Opposition New Serbia (NS) leader Velimir Ilic said that Serb Progressive Party (SNS) President Tomislav Nikolic should lead the opposition. Ilic said that Nikolic at the helm of a united opposition would be a good plan for trying to defeat the government led by President Boris Tadic's Democratic Party (DS). "Nikolic should lead united opposition" The NS leader said that Nikolic should be given that role since "people love him most", and added that Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Presidnet Vojislav Kostunica – who NS is in coalition with – would have nothing against this. Ilic added that Kostunica could return as the state president when the opposition takes over. Even though there are no parliamentary elections on the horizon, Ilic said that Nikolic is the person that the opposition should gather around in order to topple Tadic’s regime. “We have always gathered around the strongest person when changing the government, and I have participated in it many times. Currently, the Serbian people say that Tomislav Nikolic is the strongest,” Ilic was quoted. “Kostunica is a very realistic person and I think that he will not be against it. Kostunica is a good statesman, he will find his place. He is a great candidate for the next Serbian president that, I hope, everyone will support,” he added. DSS Vice President Slobodan Samardzic, however, did not express much enthusiasm for the idea. “It is too early to talk so specifically and in detail about the organization of the opposition around one party or one leader,” Samardzic said. National Party leader Maja Gojkovic, who is a former political ally of Nikolic and is currently in coalition with DSS-NS, commented the idea by stating that it would be a good “if the election list is led by someone who is successful and honorable, and not if it is just a gathering of the opposition so that smaller political parties could survive,” Gojkovic said. Opposition Serb Radical Party (SRS) deputy leader Dragan Todorovic continues to clearly reject any cooperation with the SNS, which was formed after Nikolic and a number of other officials and MPs broke away from the Radicals. Nikolic himself did not comment on Ilic’s statement. His party deputy Aleksandar Vucic stated that SNS, which has had "enviable ratings", will cooperate with any opposition party, but that it must first be determined whether there the cooperation would yield positive effects. “For us, it is important to create something that would bring more votes than previously. If it would bring less, then we would not participate, and I’m sure Velimir Ilic would not either. But serious research is needed for something like this,” Vucic said. The ruling coalition officials were heard commenting that a possible uniting of the opposition forces "does not interest or worry them".

"Nikolić should lead united opposition"

The NS leader said that Nikolić should be given that role since "people love him most", and added that Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Presidnet Vojislav Koštunica – who NS is in coalition with – would have nothing against this.

Ilić added that Koštunica could return as the state president when the opposition takes over.

Even though there are no parliamentary elections on the horizon, Ilić said that Nikolić is the person that the opposition should gather around in order to topple Tadić’s regime.

“We have always gathered around the strongest person when changing the government, and I have participated in it many times. Currently, the Serbian people say that Tomislav Nikolić is the strongest,” Ilić was quoted.

“Koštunica is a very realistic person and I think that he will not be against it. Koštunica is a good statesman, he will find his place. He is a great candidate for the next Serbian president that, I hope, everyone will support,” he added.

DSS Vice President Slobodan Samardžić, however, did not express much enthusiasm for the idea.

“It is too early to talk so specifically and in detail about the organization of the opposition around one party or one leader,” Samardžić said.

National Party leader Maja Gojković, who is a former political ally of Nikolić and is currently in coalition with DSS-NS, commented the idea by stating that it would be a good “if the election list is led by someone who is successful and honorable, and not if it is just a gathering of the opposition so that smaller political parties could survive,” Gojković said.

Opposition Serb Radical Party (SRS) deputy leader Dragan Todorović continues to clearly reject any cooperation with the SNS, which was formed after Nikolić and a number of other officials and MPs broke away from the Radicals.

Nikolić himself did not comment on Ilić’s statement.

His party deputy Aleksandar Vučić stated that SNS, which has had "enviable ratings", will cooperate with any opposition party, but that it must first be determined whether there the cooperation would yield positive effects.

“For us, it is important to create something that would bring more votes than previously. If it would bring less, then we would not participate, and I’m sure Velimir Ilić would not either. But serious research is needed for something like this,” Vučić said.

The ruling coalition officials were heard commenting that a possible uniting of the opposition forces "does not interest or worry them".

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