FM reiterates Pristina did turn to UN over UNESCO bid

Pristina's request for UNESCO membership has been sent directly to this organization - after the UN rejected Kosovo's application for UNESCO membership.

Izvor: RTS

Thursday, 13.08.2015.


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FM reiterates Pristina did turn to UN over UNESCO bid

Although the authorities in Pristina said they did not send the request to the UN, Dacic reiterated that they in fact did, and that the UN told Pristina they will not meet the request because it is not within the mandate of UNMIK and the UN, which is based on Resolution 1244.

"It's now UNESCO Director-General Mrs. (Irina) Bokova's move, to whom this letter, that is this request, has been sent. For now it has not been delivered to anyone, nor is that information circulating in the institutions of UNESCO or the United Nations," Dacic added.

The minister also said that Serbia "cannot calmly stand by while someone is taking away the Serb cultural heritage."

"This is not about some victory of Serbia, so we're supposed to have won the first round - the fight continues, but the UN refused to stand behind the proposal for Kosovo to become a member of UNESCO. It is strategically important for us, because it is about Resolution 1244," said Dacic.

Asked what Serbia can do to prevent "the direct entry of Kosovo to UNESCO as it could very easily enter through outvoting, because the executive board has 58 members, of which 33 have recognized Kosovo" - Dacic said that "it should be observed how the director-general of UNESCO will react to such a request, whom she will turn to, how this will be legally grounded," and added that there had been no similar cases at UNESCO in the past.

"Wherever it can to prevent unilateral acts Serbia does, where it cannot, we express our opposition. That's why we are saying all countries need to know what it is they are voting for, if we give them full details of what is happening with the Serb cultural heritage (in Kosovo) which is under the protection of UNESCO, if they look how (ethnic Albanians) have treated churches - they burned churches, smashed crosses - well let each country take its own position," said Dacic.

During the interview, Dacic also commented on the list of ten ambassadors sent to the government, who should soon assume their duties.

"The names of those nominated for ambassadors are not published before they receive accreditation in the host countries," said Dacic.

Asked "what would be the main challenge for representatives in Berlin, Athens and Zagreb, considering we have not had ambassadors in these cities for three years," Dacic said:

"Times have changed. It doesn't depend on the kind of ambassador you have but on what kind of authorities are in power in a country. It is certain that the ambassador to Croatia will not solve the problems between Serbia and Croatia. Also, we achieved best possible relations with Germany at a time when we had no ambassador, which means that times have changed."

Dacic also said the idea of ​​Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic to establish a common day of remembrance for the victims in the region was "good."

"The idea is good, based on the idea of ​​reconciliation, cooperation in the region, common interests. However, the idea certainly does not fit into the concept of those who have for years been saying that Serbs are the main culprits for what has happened, that Serbs are criminals and all others innocent victims. If that idea came from some other country, perhaps it would have been discussed differently," he said.

Asked whether he meant "another country in the region, or some other," Dacic replied:

"Who asks countries of the region about anything - wasn't the goal to break up Yugoslavia into as many small states as possible, whose voices are not heard at all? Our concept is now precisely very different. For how many decades should we be accusing each other for the past events? Let's make one step forward, go toward the future. A region where the past is the future, will have no future at all, and our children deserve better."

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